Hi there!
I hope you like the content of my blog Maker Corner!
Believe it or not, publishing original content takes time and effort. Also, all the electronic hardware featured in the blog posts or tutorials is bought by myself with my own money.
In order to help pay for the hardware and other gear featured in this blog I resorted to place some ads from two of my favourite sources of electronic components and gadgets, Banggood and Dealextreme (DX). I have been buying lot's of stuff from them for a number of years now with huge savings. They have low prices, friendly and helpful staff and will
offer a solution if something goes wrong with your order. They are based in China and have warehouses in Europe and the USA and can provide faster delivery for
many of the items.
If you click on an ad or link on this blog and buy something from them I may receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you!) that will help me pay for hardware for new articles, tutorials, hacks, etc.
If you want to buy something from Banggood or DX and find any of the content of my blog useful, please support my work by clicking any of the links or ads.
Thank you!